Monday, August 28, 2006

And then...

...a streak of lightning tore through the sky, highlighting the dark silhouette, sitting there all by itself... all cold and dark. I shouted out to him, but he wouldn't reply, the sihouette didn't even budge. Lonely and blue as I was, I needed someone to talk to.

Not knowing who he was or why he was there, it was difficult at the outset but I started talking to him. But still, it seems my words failed to register. The silhouette just sat there... still. The darnkess of the silhouette like that of a black-hole... absorbing all, giving nothing. All my words, my tears, my sobs, my smiles, my laughters, my anger, my outburst, my reveree, my remarks... just drowned into the silhouette, the lonely sihouette, invoking no response.

Dejected, I fell silent... and remained so for a long time. Every now and then, a flash of lightning would show the sihouette was still there, the same way as it was, no change, as if time had stopped for it... the lonely silhouette. I thought I must move on, find some other soul to confide into, but somehow I couldn't. I felt a strange connection with it, I couldn't possibly leave him there, all alone. So I sat there, looking onto the place where the silhouette would momentary pass in and out of my sight with every flash of lightning.

The dawn was approaching, soon there would be light and I would probably be able to see who he was. I kept peering into the dark, trying to spot the blotch of darkness in an ocean of black. I kept wondering if he was still there, reassured of his presence by the momentary flashing lightning.

As the sun smeared the sky with vermillion, I thought I cound somehow discern who he was. But as the sun moved on, shedding light on the darkness outside and within, the sihouette began to move and fade. Little by little it trickled out of view till it had completely faded and dissolved into the light just the way it was with the darkness. Where did he go, what was it, who was he.

I dont know, maybe I'll may probably never find out either. But then, sometimes, when I look at my own shadow in the sun, I wonder... was it actually a silhouette or a shadow of something or someone else ? And, a gust of wind blew, passing through my hair, setting them flowing with the wind, and then I noticed the uncanny resemblence between my shadow and the silhouette... but then, I had to forget about it and move on, coz life goes on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amazingly beautiful.I think this one is your best ever - and I relate yet again!!