Thursday, July 13, 2006

An account of I meeting Me.

At times when loneliness covers the horizon, and beyond, I step out of myself and meet Me. I see a boy, withering away with the worry that people hate him, or may be just dont like him enough... I see a boy thinking... deep in his heart craddling the perpetual desire to be loved by all, I see this boy who prepares himself for the unknown, the unobvious and the unexpected, but simply neglects that what is known, obvious and expected.

I try to delve deeper into him, but he has clouded the depths of his heart with voluminous smoke that hangs heavy. He has pushed his mind to where it is surrounded by glass lenses, which magnify the gigantic and shrivel the diminutive. He has bounded his senses in a kaleidoscope of illusions. He is perplexed to the extent of having to wonder who he his and what is he making of himself...

I try to talk to him, but he is too pensive to even notice. I wait, patiently... someday he will listen, and then I will tell him all that he needs to know. I have all the answers, I am his panacea.

But then, how long do I have to wait. Why doesn't he listen... why does he shun his own voice... when will I talk to Me ?


Anonymous said...

C'est Magnifique!
This is a post I relate to totally. There are 2 kinds of people on this fucking planet,some who can write..and the rest who simply cant.
And you,simply put.....Can.
Rock on.

appletart said...
